Appointments Clause: How Government Officers Are Selected

In June of 2023, Special Counsel Jack Smith indicted Donald Trump on multiple charges of improperly retaining and handling documents containing sensitive national security information. On July 15, 2024, Judge Aileen Cannon entered an order dismissing the indictment. Trump’s attorneys had argued

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A Compound Republic: Federalist no. 51

In a previous article, we encountered Madison’s thoughts on how to control faction within a community. We touched on the idea of letting groups flourish to counteract each other. Finally, we touched on how the structure of a federal republic might control

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Thoughts on Government from John Adams

John Adams was a major proponent of independence from Great Britain. In April 1776, he wrote a letter to two of North Carolina’s delegates to the First Continental Congress. They had asked Adams if he would help defining the government for North

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