US Constitution: Essential to the American Nation

The Constitution of the United States is the foundation of American government. As a written document, it is powerless. As a document whose principles live within Americans’ hearts and minds, it is a bulwark of freedom and a durable framework for American

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A Compound Republic: Federalist no. 51

In a previous article, we encountered Madison’s thoughts on how to control faction within a community. We touched on the idea of letting groups flourish to counteract each other. Finally, we touched on how the structure of a federal republic might control

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Faction: Words of Caution From James Madison

In a free society, people have the right to organize themselves to advocate for their policy preferences. Policy preferences may be based on a variety of different things. Among these are religious or philosophical beliefs, self-interest, or loyalty to some group such

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Thoughts on Government from John Adams

John Adams was a major proponent of independence from Great Britain. In April 1776, he wrote a letter to two of North Carolina’s delegates to the First Continental Congress. They had asked Adams if he would help defining the government for North

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