Black History Month
Black History Month is celebrated in February each year. Where did it come from, and should we be celebrating it?
Policy, History, and Philosophy
Black History Month is celebrated in February each year. Where did it come from, and should we be celebrating it?
We continue our look into retirement funding issues. While we generally think of retirement savings in preparing for retirement, we must also think of healthcare. Healthcare expenses in retirement can be devastating, especially since retirement incomes typically cannot be bumped up to
We previously wrote about shortcomings in Social Security and why it should be reimagined. Today, we examine some issues with personal retirement savings that people can use to help prepare for retirement. Social Security was never intended to be a comprehensive retirement
On January 10, 1776, Philadelphia printer Robert Bell published an anonymous pamphlet titled Common Sense. It quickly became the most widely read colonial publication in the American colonies. At the time, there was still much debate about whether the American goal in
The Roosevelt Administration created Social Security in response to the Great Depression. In 1935, the poverty rate among the elderly was over 50%. Social Security is now the main source of retirement income for millions of Americans. Many writers credit Social Security